Velkua route - Kaita - 26.03.2025 16:07
On Sunday 30.3.2025 starting at 14:30, the traffic on the Velkua route will be operated by the commuter ferry Rosala II.
The commuter ferry Kaita will be docked for approximately three weeks.
The vessel can be contacted via Kaita's familiar phone number. Bookings can be made using the booking system.
Kotka-Pyhtää - 26.03.2025 13:03
Ferry: Kotka-Pyhtää
Situation: Smaller ferry
Reason: Docking
More information: Directly from the ferry
Tappuvirta - 26.03.2025 11:23
Ferry: TappuvirtaSituation: Traffic stop
Reason: Maintenance
More information: Directly from the ferry
Rymättylä route - 21.03.2025 10:32
The summer schedule for the Rymättylä route for the period 5.5.–28.9.2025 has been published on our website.
Kivimo - 20.03.2025 23:35
Ferry: KivimoSituation: Smaller ferry 44 t max 25 m
Reason: The ferry is back in normal traffic
More information: Directly from the ferry